Saturday, April 19, 2008

Politics meet the Bees

Or should I say Politics meets the environment. Or oops it doesn't. The environment is an important issue to voters. Things are heating up. The water's rising, the cities will be sweltering soon, and part of the reason food prices have been going up is the Ethanol boondoggle...or is it.

These are all issues which should be in discussion in the Presidential debates. However; on Thursday, Sephanopolouse (the spelling is on purpose) questioned no one, not a bit. Now this gets back to Deeply Imbedded's post today, which you can get to by just clicking down the page to your left. Big business ( no surprise here) seems to be in charge and they do not like the losing money to the environment any more than they liked Edwards or than they like Obama. Read article with graph.

And just a reminder Haagen Dazs may love the bees, but they love money more.

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