Sunday, August 24, 2008


We read in the San Francisco Chronicle

(08-18) 18:37 PDT -- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is refusing to disclose records about a new class of pesticides that could be playing a role in the disappearance of millions of honeybees in the United States, a lawsuit filed Monday charges. "

There has been a muddying of the waters about Colony Collapse disorder. The government and the large chemical companies and the endowed chairs of the Universities of our nation have been trying to obscure and hide this information. See other posts on this subject in the blog. We first became aware of this pesticide by reading the excellent book A Spring Without Bees by Michael Schacker. See the link on the left side of the page. We highly recommend this book, and in light of this lawsuit and the EPA's response, anyone, and this means everyone, who is concerned about our existence on the planet, should read his research and narrative on this subject.

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