Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Tonight, NBC did a story on the vanishing bees. The story ignored the evidence from France and Germany, as have most stories carried in our mainstream media, that pesticides are the culprit, while suggesting, instead, the reasons for the vanishing bees may be a virus or mites.

Well surprise, surprise. The problem is likely not mites, or viruses, but pesticides. Specifically IMD and neonicotinoids and a product called Gaucho produced by the German drug company Bayer. These pesticides sprayed on almond groves and sunflowers as well as many other crops, attack the bees nervous systems killing them with large exposure and in smaller amounts causing the bees too lose their way and leave their hives while behaving like a bunch of aimless, hapless drunks. Think whisky in the watercoolers of the major corporations of America, daily and for months at a time, and imagine the possible mess.

Only in America, would major evidence from beekeepers in this country as well as French bee keepers and the French courts, which lays the blame on these pesticides, be ignored because of interests of big business. Big business which funds our research, and funds chairs in our universities. The same tentacled Octopus which challenges global warming and skews the results on that major problem.

It is possible the bee departure is not a chemical problem. It is possible it is mites or viruses.... It is possible. But if you read the book A Spring Without Bees by Michael Schacker, (see link partway down the left side of the page) you cannot help wonder if this is yet one more story where the people are not being told the truth. Iraq War anyone!

Save The Bees.

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